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Aantal resultaten: 12( DE:"medische zorg" )


Ellenlange wachttijden op genderpoli transzorg  / Malika Sevil.

Parool 04-02-2022
bron: Parool 04-02-2022
samenvatting: De genderpoli in Amsterdam UMC is in omvang verzesvoudig, maar het aantal aanmeldingen groeit sneller dan de zorgverleners kunnen bijbenen. De wachttijd is opgelopen tot 2,5 jaar. Een actiegroep is het zat en protesteert op de Dam.

signatuur: knipsel (transgender)

Ellenlange wachttijden op genderpoli transzorg
knipsel (transgender)
Malika Sevil.

Exploring Clinicians' Knowledge, Beliefs and Clinical Experiences Related to Pansexual Youth  / Brisa Peña & Eman Tadros

Journal of Bisexuality, 21 (2021) 3 (jul-sep), p. 308-331
bron: Journal of Bisexuality jaargang: 21 (2021) 3 (jul-sep), p. 308-331
samenvatting: Pansexuality is the emotional, romantic, and/or sexual attraction toward people regardless of their biological sex, gender identity, or gender expression. This study examined what clinicians know about pansexuality and their clinical experiences; 84 clinicians from different cultural backgrounds with an age range from 20-60 years old were examined. Participants were recruited through purposive sampling. Recruitment for the study utilized email advertisements containing a description of the study. Further, participants responded to open-ended survey questions related to working therapeutically with pansexual youth. Thematic analysis was utilized to gain a deeper understanding of specific ideologies, biases, and knowledge that these clinicians held. Pertinent themes emerged from the thematic analysis: unique challenges experienced by pansexual youth, working therapeutically with pansexual youth, and therapists? beliefs and assumptions. The results showcased the need for clinicians to be more mindful of biases, to further their training on sexual minority populations, and for overall advocacy. Clinical implications suggest professional mental health clinicians, therapists, and psychologists to implement trainings and practices that include pansexual youth and the LGBTQ + community without personal biases and assumptions in therapy sessions or during assessments.

signatuur: ts.

Exploring Clinicians' Knowledge, Beliefs and Clinical Experiences Related to Pansexual Youth
Brisa Peña & Eman Tadros
Journal of Bisexuality

On Making a Knowledge of Body: Joy and Justice in Intersex and Trans Experiences  / Jennifer Yusin.

TSQ : Transgender Studies Quarterly, 9 (2022) 2 (may), p. 211-221
bron: TSQ : Transgender Studies Quarterly jaargang: 9 (2022) 2 (may), p. 211-221
samenvatting: This essay explores some of the ways relations between body and law shape intersex and trans experiences. It draws on the work of Dean Spade, Suzanne Kessler, and Audre Lorde to help show how intersex and trans experiences imply a certain link between justice and joy. The essay considers how this link consists in opening new epistemological horizons of body that compel us to account for how there exists a knowledge that is not reducible to an objective. To help develop these points, this essay focuses on medical and legal demands to make gender normal. It proceeds by interpreting how the word normal functions as a metaphor expressing a subjective body of knowledge that concerns everyone. Accounting for this knowledge helps demonstrate how intersex and trans experiences confront the impossible of the law in all of its severities with courage and patience.

signatuur: ts.

On Making a Knowledge of Body: Joy and Justice in Intersex and Trans Experiences
Jennifer Yusin.
TSQ : Transgender Studies Quarterly

Transgenderpersonen, medische transitie en de invloed op werk  / Tim van de Grift.

Tijdschrift voor Bedrijfs- en Verzekeringsgeneeskunde, 26 (2018) 5 (mei), p. 222-227
bron: Tijdschrift voor Bedrijfs- en Verzekeringsgeneeskunde jaargang: 26 (2018) 5 (mei), p. 222-227
samenvatting: Samenvatting Transgenderpersonen hebben gemiddeld gezien een slechtere socio-economische positie dan niet-transgenderpersonen. Dit onderzoek is een literatuuronderzoek naar (1) de effecten van medische transitie op werk, (2) internationale opleidings- en werkloosheidscijfers, en (3) geformuleerde adviezen voor werkgevers. Meeste onderzoeken beschrijven hogere werkloosheidscijfers (tot 43%) onder transgenderpersonen, ondanks een relatief groot aandeel hoger opgeleiden. Werkloosheid in klinische samples lijkt lager dan in populatiesamples, wat kan wijzen op socio-economische barrières tot zorg. Medische transitie leidt veelal tot beperkte uitval op het werk en op de langere termijn tot hogere werktevredenheid, binding met de werkgever en betere socio-economische positie. De werkgever is verantwoordelijk voor een veilige en ondersteunende werkomgeving. Rondom medische transitie kan gesproken worden over de coming-out, aanspreekvormen en tijdsplanning van de medische transitie. Over de structurele barrières op de Nederlandse en Belgische arbeidsmarkt is weinig bekend en ook de ervaringen van transgenderwerknemers/werkzoekenden en werkgevers zijn onderwerpen voor vervolgonderzoek.

signatuur: ts.

Transgenderpersonen, medische transitie en de invloed op werk
Tim van de Grift.
Tijdschrift voor Bedrijfs- en Verzekeringsgeneeskunde

Insidious Concern: Trans Panic and the Limits of Care  / Mikey Elster.

TSQ : Transgender Studies Quarterly, 9 (2022) 3 (aug), p. 407-424
bron: TSQ : Transgender Studies Quarterly jaargang: 9 (2022) 3 (aug), p. 407-424
samenvatting: This article examines media that couches criticism of trans medicine, pediatrics, and activism in terms of "care" or "concern" for trans people and youth in particular. It identifies these as "insidious concerns," speech acts, utterances, and proclamations that would harm that which they claim to care for or about. It proceeds to argue that this type of discourse is endemic to a wider crisis of social reproduction exacerbated by neoliberal economic restructuring. Through historical contextualization, cultural analysis, and ethnography, this article highlights the racist, nationalist, and reactionary undercurrents motivating the current trans panic in the United States. It concludes that theoretical attention to social reproduction might offer new insights for trans studies that can act as counterdiscourse to "insidious concern."

signatuur: ts.

Insidious Concern: Trans Panic and the Limits of Care
Mikey Elster.
TSQ : Transgender Studies Quarterly

Hiv-preventiepil blijft schaars : 'Mijn diagnose kon vermeden worden'  / Tahrim Ramdjan.

Parool 23-02-2023
bron: Parool 23-02-2023
samenvatting: Vier vragen en antwoorden over de beperkte toegang tot PrEP onder mannen die seks hebben met mannen, met onderwerpen als aanbod, kosten, wachtlijsten, besmettingen en de rol van GGD's en huisartsen. Ook twee homoseksuele mannen vertellen over hun ervaringen.

signatuur: knipsel (aids)

Hiv-preventiepil blijft schaars : 'Mijn diagnose kon vermeden worden'
knipsel (aids)
Tahrim Ramdjan.

Stories of Stigma: Exploring stigma and discrimination against Thai transgender people while accessing health care and in other settings.

Bangkok: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), 2020 - 37 p.
uitgave: Bangkok : United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), 2020 - 37 p.
  1. hiv/aids
  2. transgender
samenvatting: The purpose of the study was to investigate stigma as experienced by Thai transgender people accessing HIV health care services. This qualitative study explores the ways Thai transgender women are affected by internalized, perceived, vicarious and enacted stigma, and how such experiences of stigma affect health-seeking behaviours and health outcomes among transgender people, especially in relation to HIV treatment and care. The participants were 11 Thai transgender women living with HIV recruited via a non-governmental organization (NGO) in Pattaya, Thailand. Various forms of verbal, psychological and physical harassment were reported. Internalized stigma and stigma within the transgender community itself were significant. Participants tended not to blame their family members or others in their social structure for their experiences of stigma.

signatuur: cat. (stori/sti)

dgb grijs

Stories of Stigma: Exploring stigma and discrimination against Thai transgender people while accessing health care and in other settings.
cat. (stori/sti)dgb grijs

Situation Analysis of Substance Use among LGBT Communities in Thailand.

Bangkok: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), 2021 - 49 p.
uitgave: Bangkok : United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), 2021 - 49 p.
  1. alcohol/drugs
  2. lhbti
samenvatting: The report makes available Thailand-specific data on the substance use-related behaviours of the LGBT community that can potentially put them at risk. The report summarizes information found in academic peer-reviewed studies, in the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems managed by civil society organizations (CSOs), and the 1,179 responses from individuals who self-identified as LGBT in a nationwide survey conducted by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Thailand. The report intends to contribute to the sensitization of key stakeholders involved in responding to the needs of LGBT people who use substances in Thailand, to provide a solid basis for developing evidence-based public health interventions grounded on harm reduction principles, to stimulate cooperation between stakeholders working with LGBT people and people who use substances, and to support strategic advocacy towards a more enabling legal and policy environment and more targeted resource mobilization efforts.

signatuur: cat. (situa/ana)

dgb grijs

Situation Analysis of Substance Use among LGBT Communities in Thailand.
cat. (situa/ana)dgb grijs

Experienced barriers of care within European treatment seeking transgender individuals: A multicenter ENIGI follow-up study  / Maeghan B. Ross ...[et al.].

International Journal of Transgender Health, 24 (2023) 1 (jan-mar), p. 26-37
bron: International Journal of Transgender Health jaargang: 24 (2023) 1 (jan-mar), p. 26-37
samenvatting: To evaluate the experienced barriers of care for treatment-seeking trans individuals (TSTG) in three large European clinics. Methods: An online follow-up questionnaire was filled out by 307 TSTG individuals as part of the research protocol of the European Network for the Investigation of Gender Incongruence (ENIGI). Data was collected during follow-up in 2017-2018, around 5 years after participants had their initial clinical appointments in Ghent (Belgium), Amsterdam (the Netherlands), or Hamburg (Germany). Background characteristics, country, treatment characteristics and mental health were analyzed in relation to experienced barriers of care (EBOC, measured though agreement with statements). Results: The majority of participants reported various EBOC, oftentimes more than one. The most-frequently reported EBOCs pertained to the lack of family and friends' support (28.7%, n = 88) and travel time and costs (27.7%, n = 85), whereas around one-fifth felt hindered by treatment protocols. Also, a significant share expressed the feeling that they had to convince their provider they needed care and/or express their wish in such way to increase their likelihood of receiving care. A higher number of EBOCs reported was associated with more mental health problems, lower income and female gender. Conclusions: A substantial number of TSTG individuals within three European health care systems experiences EBOCs. EBOCs relate to both personal and systemic characteristics. These findings can help health care providers and centers to improve care. More research must be done to better understand the diversity among TSTG individuals and the corresponding barriers experienced.

signatuur: ts.

Experienced barriers of care within European treatment seeking transgender individuals: A multicenter ENIGI follow-up study
Maeghan B. Ross ...[et al.].
International Journal of Transgender Health

Nobody's Body : Medizinhistorische Reflexion uber "Aus eines Mannes Madchenjahren"  / Marion Hulverscheidt.

samenvatting: Dieser Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit irrtümlicher Geschlechtsbestimmung, und zwar mit Fallgeschichte aus der Kaiserzeit. Dies ist eingebetet in einen Kontext von Aufbruch und Beharrung, sowohl was die politische Gesamtsituation als auch die gesellschaftliche Position der/des einzelnen Protagonistin/en diese Geschichte betrifft. Jüdisches Leben in der Provinz, lokale ärtzliche Größen, alte Bekannte wie Magnus Hirschfeld werden uns begegnen. Und die Thematiek der irrtümliche Geschlechtsbestimmung erinnert sehr an das Aktuellle Diskussionsfeld um intergeschlechtlich Geborene und deren Rechte oder an der Menschenrechtsverletzungen an denselben hinsichtlich Selbstbestimmung und körperlicher Integrität.

signatuur: cat. art. (jahrb/sex) 2020 b

Nobody's Body : Medizinhistorische Reflexion uber "Aus eines Mannes Madchenjahren"
cat. art. (jahrb/sex) 2020 b
Marion Hulverscheidt.
In: Jahrbuch Sexualitäten 2020 / Hrsg. Jan Feddersen ... [et al.]. - Göttingen : Wallstein, 2020. - p. 36-63.


( DE:"medische zorg" )

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